Submit & Donate

Yay submissions! We like submissions. There’s even a form for it at the bottom of this page. But first!

By submitting your works, you give me the right to edit as I see fit. E.g., spellcheck on fics, adding a watermark with your name on art if it isn’t there already, making thumbnails of your artwork, resizing or changing file formats, or adding a ‘downloaded from’ file to doujinshi scans, etc. You will still receive full credit.

If you include a website link, you will be credited that way, else your email address will be used (or nothing other than your name should you choose).

Submitting artwork

Please include either links to your artworks (through photobucket or something), or send them as an attachment. .jpg, .png, & .gif files only, please. Anything over 600 pixels high or 800 wide will be resized before going on the site. Most artwork will be accepted, so long as it’s finished (or as finished as it’s going to get and isn’t just a stick figure). All mediums are a-ok (pencil, cged, oekaki, watercolour, whatever).


If you have graphics, doujinshi scans or other such things you’d like to donate, you’re free to. Simply do the following.

For donating things like icons, wallpapers and such, if there are more than TWO, please use Winzip or Winrar to zip or rar the files and either upload the zip somewhere (please, do not use Mega. I am unable to download from it. ) or send them as an attachment. If neither of the above are an option, let me know in the email and we can work something out via either AIM or MSN messengers.

On wallpapers, it’s preferred that you send in nothing under 1024×768 resolution – I can resize down and still have it look fairly good, but resizing up is a lot more difficult.

If you are donating a full layout, please zip all of the html and image files and send as an attachment or give me a link to it. You are free to keep your own credit link on the layout itself.

If you are donating doujinshi scans, you must have scanned it yourself. Preferred height is no lower than 1000 pixels (so we can actually read them!). Please provide as much information about the doujinshi as you can (Title, artist, circle, pairing, rating). Doujinshi MUST be sent as a zip or file. You are free to include any sort of credit page in your zip file (such as Scanned by So and So (your email) (your url)). Doujinshi do not need to be translated but if you are able and willing, translations are more than welcome as either a scanlation or a text file to include (if the scans are decent enough, I can scanlate it myself – you will still get credit for scanning or translating or whatever. If someone else translated, please make sure permission has been given to use the translations).

There are no rules against content or pairing (this is a fandom-friendly archive, yaoi, yuri, het and general stuff are all accepted), but please make sure to give a warning if some more unsatisfactory situations are portrayed (rape, excessive violence, etc).

Donating translations

If you would like to provide translations for something (a song, a doujinshi, profiles, etc), you are more than welcome to. All I ask is that they be in English, and more or less grammatically correct with few spelling mistakes. :)

Send your translation as a ZIPPED/RAR’d .txt, .html or .rtf file only, please. I only have notepad and wordpad on my computer and it can’t read most .doc or other formats. Alternately, you can link me to a (public!) place you have posted your translation and I can grab it from there.

Submission Form

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your URL (If you have one)

    Files: Upload a files up to 5mb each or provide a link in the message area. Acceptable filetypes are .jpg/.jpeg, .gif, .png, .rar, and .zip. If you are submitting a large amount of files or a doujinshi, I suggest uploading it to an external fileserver and putting the link(s) in the messages section.

    Your Message (required): Please include any rating(s), warning(s), and pairing(s) for artwork, or links to the files if not uploaded via this form.

    Prove you're human, please.