Site backend
I upgraded WordPress and Efiction today – please let me know if there are any problems! I went through the subscriber/user list on WordPress and deleted any users that looked (by name or email) to be spam registrations – if you were accidentally deleted (it’s possible) please feel free to re-register.
Content Updates
I’m currently working on cleaning up the doujinshi section – adding titles/artists/circles to books that didn’t have them, rearranging them, and all that good stuff. Check back soon for that, as there will also be a handful of new doujinshi added.
New section added to the downloads -> online graphics section: Icons! Currently all of the icons available are created by myself, but anyone may feel free to submit some icons of their own :) (While I’m on the graphics subject: if you have any other graphics – layouts, friends-only banners, wallpapers, etc, feel free to send them in!)
In wanting to make this site a bit more user-interactive, I’ve decided to (at some point) add an essay section – this would be essays about a certain character, ‘ship manifestos, and the like. If you have anything of the sort (or would like to write one!), feel free to submit!
The guidelines are as follows:
- These would be just like the essays you write in school, and therefore must contain proper grammar/spelling/structure. A beta-reader is a good thing to have.
- You must be able to support your views/thesis somehow via OFFICIAL sources – be it through the fanbooks, anime, or manga.
- Essays may be in any style you wish – compare/contrast, process analysis, cause/effect, etc)
- All sources/references must be listed.
I’d also like to offer more translated material, be it songs, fanbook information, or doujinshi, but unfortunately my Japanese is too fail to do this on my own. If you can translate from Japanese to English and would like to help out, feel free to contact me via one of the options in the contact section.