Fanlisting updates, general site-to-comes.

Nothing new on the actual site, but there are some fanlisting updates :D

  1. The Ibu Shinji fanlisting has a new layout, and has been crosslisted under TheFanlistings.Org’s Stage/Theater Characters category. Also some new link codes.
  2. The fanlisting for the relationship between Tachibana Kippei, Ibu Shinji and Kamio Akira has also gotten a new layout, as well as some new link codes.
  3. I have been approved to run the Tachibana An fanlisting, which is now up and accepting members. If you were a member of the old listing, please rejoin :)

I am currently working on creating a new links section using SimpleDir, which should be active sometime in the near future. Once this is up, it will allow users to submit links to their own Fudoumine-related sites (or general Tenipuri fansites/shrines/official websites/etc). Though if you submit a link, it would be nice if you could link back ^.~

The version of WordPress this site runs on has also been upgraded to 2.1.2, so if you notice any bugs, please let me know ^^