Category Archives: Fanlistings

Massive updates!

It’s been a while. But first! Underdogs has a shiny, shiny new layout. Horrah! And now for the real updates, in almost-bulletpoint form :D


If you haven’t heard already, Tachibana & Kamio recently put out another CD entitled Prism, featuring a duet, two solos, and an instrumental version. If you can buy it, please do!


[+] The Fudoumine Fanlisting has moved away from its subdomain, and is now housed straight on Either click the fanlisting link to your right, or you can follow the link to the fanlisting. The fanlisting has also received 37 new image codes. To old members, there is now a option for you to list your favourite team member! You can add yours by going to the Update Info link. If you joined prior to the listing being converted to Enthusiast, please collect a password from the Lost Password page. YOU WILL NEED THE EMAIL ADDRESS YOU SIGNED UP WITH. If this email address is no longer working, feel free to email me with your name and any information and I will change it for you :)

[+] Underdogs Fanfiction has moved to a subdomain with a fresh, new, not!broken install of Efiction. All user information and fics *should* have been transferred successfully, so you shouldn’t see any differences between the new one and the old one. If for some reason your account doesn’t work, let me know. And on that note, several new pieces of (my) fanfiction have been added to the archive, and all (of everyone’s) fanfiction that was on the old archive has been edited for any spelling or glaring grammar mistakes. :) Additionally, I have also created a Livejournal feed JUST for updates to the fiction archive, which can be found at underdogsfic or by clicking the Fiction LJ Feed link to your right.

[+] Two more fanarts by me have been added to the General folder. Quicklinks: Kamio & Kamio & An.

[+] The link script has been updated to use Linkationally instead of SimpleDir, for too much spam + SimpleDir being ridiculously unsafe = I finally got off my ass and did something about it.

[+] Remember what I said up there about Tachibana and Kamio having a new CD out? Well I’ve romanised the duet & Kamio’s solo; Tachibana’s will come soon. Quicklinks: PRISM (Duet) & ACE of ACES (Kamio).

[+] Since this update was weeks (or months, in some cases) in the making, it is not a COMPLETE update. I plan on completely revamping the downloads and gallery sections, so keep an eye out for those soon :)


[+] The Kamio Akira, Ibu Shinji, and Suzuki Chihiro (Kamio’s seiyuu) fanlistings have all received new layouts within the last couple of months, as well as some shiny media-type stuff.

[+] New fanlistings to the network: PERFECT GAME (Kamio image song) & CAN SEE THE LIGHT (Shinji image song).

…Long update is long! I’m off for now :)

Fanlistings updates + fiction downtime

Brought to you by not enough caffeine and bulleted lists!

  • The Kamio Akira fanlisting has been crosslisted under TheFanlistings.Org’s Stage/Theater Characters category; and to celebrate, there are some new codes featuring Matsui Yasuyuki (first cast) and Fujiwara Yuuki (second cast) as well as a new layout (not featuring either of the above mentioned men.)
  • The fiction section will be down temporarily so I can: Upgrade the script and possibly put up a new layout

That is all 8D

Fanlisting updates, general site-to-comes.

Nothing new on the actual site, but there are some fanlisting updates :D

  1. The Ibu Shinji fanlisting has a new layout, and has been crosslisted under TheFanlistings.Org’s Stage/Theater Characters category. Also some new link codes.
  2. The fanlisting for the relationship between Tachibana Kippei, Ibu Shinji and Kamio Akira has also gotten a new layout, as well as some new link codes.
  3. I have been approved to run the Tachibana An fanlisting, which is now up and accepting members. If you were a member of the old listing, please rejoin :)

I am currently working on creating a new links section using SimpleDir, which should be active sometime in the near future. Once this is up, it will allow users to submit links to their own Fudoumine-related sites (or general Tenipuri fansites/shrines/official websites/etc). Though if you submit a link, it would be nice if you could link back ^.~

The version of WordPress this site runs on has also been upgraded to 2.1.2, so if you notice any bugs, please let me know ^^

Contest updates + Miscellany.

Added another fanart to the contest page. CONTEST ENDS IN 24 HOURS. If you’ve been wanting to submit something, get it in soon!

And for the miscellany, I know 99% of you know FET (Fruity Explosive Translation, aka the lovely people who bring you scanlated manga). Anyway, I’ve been hosting the site on one of my other domains for the past couple years, however I am letting the domain expire and thus, FET has a new home on this domain. They can be found at The forums that closed late last year have also been reopened at, so go check it out. ♥

Miscellany part two: The Ibu/Kamio fanlisting and Atobe/Kamio fanlisting have both gotten shiny new layouts, so check em out and join if you’re a fan. ♥ Hopefully other Fudoumine fls hosted here will also get new layouts soon. :)