No new fanworks or scans, but other cool things.
New contest!
As Underdogs is currently heading into its 10th year online, we’re holding a 10th Anniversary fanwork contest! There are categories for both fic and art, and winners can take home some fabulous prizes! The contest will run March 15th-April 15th, 2014, so there’s about a week to start thinking of ideas!. Follow the banner below for all of the (possible TL;DR) information.

Future Projects
I’ve been thinking about doing a few ongoing projects to help keep the site alive, including an online doujinshi anthology. The idea is to compile a set of works including comics, pinup art, and illustrated fiction set to a theme and release it all as a single “volume”. If this sounds like something you’d like to participate in, or would like to read, please vote in the poll featured on Underdogs’ main page.
Another project I’d started years ago but never managed to finish for various personal reasons was the introduction of FSTs – Fan Sound Tracks – to the site. The original project signup post was here for more information on how that worked. A poll will probably go up sometime in the near future.
Yet another was weekly/monthly fanwork challenges or ficathons. I will be gauging interest via the fudo_courts Livejournal community, and probably running through there as the main venue (with a possible mirror on dreamwidth).
That’s it for now! Get voting, get promoting, and let’s have a lot of fun.