Category Archives: Contest

New layout~ + Contest update

Yay, new layout for the main site :3 Will be going through and changing the rest of the site to match here in the next few days, so keep an eye out. It’s been tested in Firefox & IE and looks fine in both, if you notice anything funky in a different browser (or just in general), please let me know!

I’ve also removed the guestbook and enabled posting comments by registered users. You can register through the link on the sidebar.

Coming soon will be a special trial run gifty, so keep an eye out for that, as well.

As far as the contest, I don’t have an exact deadline yet, but figure it about the 22nd of Jan. There will be updates in comms and on the main site if it’s extended or anything (deadline mostly depends on how swamped I am in the first week of school ^^; )

Lyrics, doujinshi & a contest

Kamio’s lyrics have been updated with his Love of Prince song, Get Rhythm, with a translation by the lovely Xenium (which I totally forgot to put up like two months ago 8D).

Four new doujinshi are up in the downloads section – two Ibu/Kamio, one Ishida/Kamio and one Kaidou/Kamio (that is more of a bunch of different 1 pager’s). The IbuKam stories are really cute art-wise (Kindergarten kissies, anyone~?)

And finally, beginning November 18th, Underdogs is hosting its first contest! It has a nice winter theme and some cool prizes (with more to come!) and ya’ll have plenty of time to enter something – the contest ends in January. Keeping in tune with the main goal of the site both fiction and fanart are welcome, yaoi, yuri and het. All is good. So check it out and maybe join~