New fic + New doujinshi + FST project notes

First off, a new Ibu/Kamio fic by Ashkah, Warmth has been added to the archive.

Next, thanks to Ash (carsmash @ lj), we have two shiny new scanlated Ibu/Kamio doujinshi, both by RURU/Ultimate Powers. You can find Titillation and No Title in the downloads section :)

Lastly, I’m still working on getting the FST’s up from the Fudoumine lj comm’s project (Though I’m a little sad, there were only three including mine :(), but school has been eating me and I haven’t had much time to get things done. Look forward to those when I’m finished cursing math finals, research projects and poison oak.

And as an aside, if anyone is planning on attending Fanime in San Jose, CA at the end of the month, feel free to hunt me down in the Artist’s Alley, where I will be squatting “watching” my darling Sasu’s table while Sasu is off doing her cosplay gatherings ♥