Contest | 2014 10 Year Anniversary

Contest Main | Rules and Guidelines | Voting/Prizes | How To Submit | Link Back


Once all entries are submitted, a new page will go up with a master list of all entries, as well as a public voting poll. All entrants will be notified when the poll goes up, and are welcome (and encouraged!) to share the voting link. Voting will last for one week, after which the results will be announced.

I will not personally be voting, unless two or more people are tied for 1st, 2nd, or 3rd prize. In the event of a tie, I will pick the entry that I personally liked the most.

Prize Information

Please note that all physical prizes will require you to send me your name and mailing address in order to be shipped. Your name an address will not be shared unless someone opts to donate prizes and ship them to you themselves, instead of sending them to me.

You will not be charged shipping costs, and I will ship worldwide. Please note that certain prizes may be seized by your country’s customs officials and I have no control over it. You will be notified when your prize ships, and more likely than not be provided with a tracking number. If you are unable or unwilling to provide an address, I will instead provide you with a fanfic of your choice (Fudoumine only; more details if requested), accompanied by a piece of fanart related to the fic.

All participants will receive an “I participated!” banner.

Physical prizes will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners in each category. 4th place onward, as well as Judge’s Choice, you will receive a digital prize in the form of fanwork. “Judge’s Choice” prizes will be awarded to the works I personally liked the most, regardless of what they place in the contest.

Prize photos and a full list will be posted once I’ve had a chance to take pictures and go through them.

The Prizes

Unless/until otherwise stated, prizes are the same for both the fiction and fanart categories. Prizes consist of both official and fan-made merchandise. All entrants will receive a ranking banner after the contest is over.

For the prizes of which there are a limited quantity (doujinshi, photosets, etc), they will be first-come, first served, and the person who placed higher gets first priority; which is to say, if both first place winners and a second place winner all request the same doujinshi, the first prize winner who emailed me back with their choices first would get it. For this reason, please select at least three in order of which you’d most like to have.

First Place will receive two doujinshi of their choice from my collection, as well as a full set of my personally-drawn Fudoumine bookmarks, keychain/cellphone straps and a 4×6 print of Kamio.

Second Place will receive one doujinshi of their choice from my collection, as well as a full set of my personally drawn Fudoumine bookmarks, keychain/cellphone straps, and a 4×6 print of Kamio.

Third Place will receive one Tenimyu photoset of their choice from my collection, as well as a full set of my personally drawn Fudoumine bookmarks, keychain/cellphone straps, and a 4×6 print of Kamio.

Judge’s Choice will receive the fanart or fic of their choice.

Fourth Place onward will receive a batch of 5 livejournal icons or 2 other online graphics (a website header, friends-only banner, etc) using the image(s) of their choice.

Donating Prizes

If you would like to donate prizes to this or future contests, you are welcome to. Please see the guidelines below.

  1. Prizes may be physical goods (official or fan-made such as convention prints or doujinshi), or digital works such as fanart, fanfiction, and online graphics, so long as they are Fudoumine-related.
  2. You do not have to provide prizes for every category or place. For example: you may provide prizes to only one category, or to only the first place winners in both categories, or to only one place in one category.
  3. If you would like to donate physical goods, you have two options: 1) mail the prizes to me before the end of the contest (at your own cost) so that I may ship everything together, or 2) agree to ship the prizes to the winners (at your own cost) after the voting round has ended and winners are announced. By choosing the second option, you are agreeing to send the items within two weeks of the end of the contest and provide proof it was sent (a scan/photo of the post office receipt – most will at least provide the zip code to where your package was sent), as well as a tracking number if available.
  4. If you would like to donate a fanart or fanfic “commission”, you are agreeing to provide the finished product within one month of receiving your commission information. In the case of fanart, it is between you and the winner to decide whether or not a physical print will be given. When offering fanworks as prizes, please include an outline of what you will and will not write (Example: will not write NC-17 fiction; will not write characters from a certain school, etc.)

If you plan on donating prizes, please shoot me an email via the contact form with the subject “Contest Prize Donations” with a list of what you’re offering and any information you deem prudent. If possible, please also include a link of where your works may already be published to use as examples.

Please see the next page for information about how and where to submit entries to the contest.