All posts by Nori

New fic + New doujinshi + FST project notes

First off, a new Ibu/Kamio fic by Ashkah, Warmth has been added to the archive.

Next, thanks to Ash (carsmash @ lj), we have two shiny new scanlated Ibu/Kamio doujinshi, both by RURU/Ultimate Powers. You can find Titillation and No Title in the downloads section :)

Lastly, I’m still working on getting the FST’s up from the Fudoumine lj comm’s project (Though I’m a little sad, there were only three including mine :(), but school has been eating me and I haven’t had much time to get things done. Look forward to those when I’m finished cursing math finals, research projects and poison oak.

And as an aside, if anyone is planning on attending Fanime in San Jose, CA at the end of the month, feel free to hunt me down in the Artist’s Alley, where I will be squatting “watching” my darling Sasu’s table while Sasu is off doing her cosplay gatherings ♥

Fanlistings updates + fiction downtime

Brought to you by not enough caffeine and bulleted lists!

  • The Kamio Akira fanlisting has been crosslisted under TheFanlistings.Org’s Stage/Theater Characters category; and to celebrate, there are some new codes featuring Matsui Yasuyuki (first cast) and Fujiwara Yuuki (second cast) as well as a new layout (not featuring either of the above mentioned men.)
  • The fiction section will be down temporarily so I can: Upgrade the script and possibly put up a new layout

That is all 8D

Site updates: new doujinshi, new links section, new merch & FST project

First: New merch XD Aren’t they the most ridiculously cute couple of wannabe-Italians ever? Ibu + Kamio in Italy: Travel Bromides

I will find this bromide somewhere >> From the Travel series, released March 8, 2007.

Second: There is a new doujinshi in the downloads section, Tacchi & Keigo, a wonderful bit of crack kindly provided by Leah. Thank you, darling ♥

Third: Fixed up the links section! They’re now categorized and I am using a new script so if you should so choose, you can add your own links :)

Fourth: There is a about two weeks left in the Fudoumine LJ comm FST Project! If you’re interested, please check it out and join in on the fun :)

Fanlisting updates, general site-to-comes.

Nothing new on the actual site, but there are some fanlisting updates :D

  1. The Ibu Shinji fanlisting has a new layout, and has been crosslisted under TheFanlistings.Org’s Stage/Theater Characters category. Also some new link codes.
  2. The fanlisting for the relationship between Tachibana Kippei, Ibu Shinji and Kamio Akira has also gotten a new layout, as well as some new link codes.
  3. I have been approved to run the Tachibana An fanlisting, which is now up and accepting members. If you were a member of the old listing, please rejoin :)

I am currently working on creating a new links section using SimpleDir, which should be active sometime in the near future. Once this is up, it will allow users to submit links to their own Fudoumine-related sites (or general Tenipuri fansites/shrines/official websites/etc). Though if you submit a link, it would be nice if you could link back ^.~

The version of WordPress this site runs on has also been upgraded to 2.1.2, so if you notice any bugs, please let me know ^^

Image gallery & fixes

Long ago I said I probably wouldn’t do this, but I guess I have. XD There is now a shiny image gallery with various scans and screencaps, and more to come when I get off my lazy bum. Big ♥ to Leah for letting me use a lot of her scans and screencaps for things I don’t personally own ♥ You can poke around via the link on the side bar.

Also, have gone through and fixed a few things I noticed were broken. Um. Have fun~!