Contest entries, popularity poll, FST project & downloads

First off, I want to thank the lovely ladies who entered the contest, and I’m sorry that there were not enough entries to actually have the contest. You’ve all been emailed for a consolation prize, if you haven’t received it, hit up kamio at fudomine dot org and I’ll make sure you get it again XD

And since the contest is over, all of the entries have been archived in the fanart section under the 2006-2006 contest archive. I encourage you to check them out, all four are very cute (IbuKam by Kiu, Kamio & An by Nova, An and some chibi Fudou-boys by Sindy, and a pile of Fudou-boys headed for Tachibana’s house by Vampy18)

Second, with the release of Genius 333 and the fourth popularity poll, here are where our boys rank!

22. Kamio Akira with 1178 votes. (he beat Yukimura 8D)
31. Ibu Shinji with 627 votes.
39. Tachibana Kippei with 459 votes.

Third! I’ve uploaded a 320 cbr .rar of Shinji’s START~Boku no Yukue~ single, complete with booklet scans. Look for more 320 stuff soon.

And fourth! I am hosting a Fudoumine FST (Fan Soundtrack) project on the fudo_courts livejournal community. If you’re interested in creating a fan soundtrack for a boy (or girl), a pairing, the whole school – please join us! All information can be found here. All FSTs will be hosted here on Underdogs when the project is complete. I encourage you to join the Fudoumine community, as well, it needs more love. ♥

Contest + Fic

The contest is over! Sadly there were not enough entries to have a real contest, however all of the participants will get something for participating. ♥ You four will be emailed soon with details. I will probably also be holding another contest this summer or later on this spring :) Contest submissions will be added to the main site at a later date, for now please go check out everyone’s hard work over at the contest page ^^

Fic -> I’ve added an untitled Ibu/Kamio ficlet to my ‘drabble’ series, which can be found here. And speaking of fic, I know there are people still writing Fudoumine. Why aren’t you posting. XD

Contest updates + Miscellany.

Added another fanart to the contest page. CONTEST ENDS IN 24 HOURS. If you’ve been wanting to submit something, get it in soon!

And for the miscellany, I know 99% of you know FET (Fruity Explosive Translation, aka the lovely people who bring you scanlated manga). Anyway, I’ve been hosting the site on one of my other domains for the past couple years, however I am letting the domain expire and thus, FET has a new home on this domain. They can be found at The forums that closed late last year have also been reopened at, so go check it out. ♥

Miscellany part two: The Ibu/Kamio fanlisting and Atobe/Kamio fanlisting have both gotten shiny new layouts, so check em out and join if you’re a fan. ♥ Hopefully other Fudoumine fls hosted here will also get new layouts soon. :)

New layout~ + Contest update

Yay, new layout for the main site :3 Will be going through and changing the rest of the site to match here in the next few days, so keep an eye out. It’s been tested in Firefox & IE and looks fine in both, if you notice anything funky in a different browser (or just in general), please let me know!

I’ve also removed the guestbook and enabled posting comments by registered users. You can register through the link on the sidebar.

Coming soon will be a special trial run gifty, so keep an eye out for that, as well.

As far as the contest, I don’t have an exact deadline yet, but figure it about the 22nd of Jan. There will be updates in comms and on the main site if it’s extended or anything (deadline mostly depends on how swamped I am in the first week of school ^^; )