Category Archives: Contest

Contest now open, and some more scans.

Underdogs' 10th Anniversary Contest

As I unexpectedly need to be out of town this weekend with uncertain internet access, I went ahead and posted the Art Submission form on the contest page. You are now welcome to submit your fanworks to the contest.

New Scans

[ + ] Lovely things arrived in the mail today, so I’ve added scans of Ishida, Uchimura, and Sakurai’s photosets from Tenimyu Season 2: Seigaku Vs. Fudoumine. Expect more such things in the coming weeks.

New scans and some reorganizing

First, I’ve changed the way the Fanart and Gallery pages are laid out – now instead of just a list of links, you get thumbnails with a small description of the gallery and the pages are overall more user-friendly.

In addition, many of the existing galleries were merged under new categories: Anime Artwork, Game Artwork, and Manga Artwork. The Manga Artwork gallery contains scans ONLY from the original Prince of Tennis manga and its fanbooks/artbooks.

What this means: If you were linking to ANY of the original gallery categories (except for the Miscellaneous section), your links will no longer work and need to be updated to the new URL.

New Scans

[ + ] I’ve added 2 new categories to the galleries: Musical Prince of Tennis and New Prince of Tennis. Musical Prince of Tennis currently contains scans of various photosets and OSTs, and New Prince of Tennis contains manga images only. It may later be changed to a top-level category containing anime artwork as well.
[ + ] [ + ] The Musical Prince of Tennis gallery now contains scans from the Dream Live 2nd OST, Dream Live 4th OST, and the Dream Live 4th Photosets.
[ + ] [ + ] The New Prince of Tennis gallery now contains scans from New Prince of Tennis Volume 01.

That’s it for now, and remember the 10th Anniversary Fanwork Contest opens in about 4 days, on March 15th! See you soon~

More new things!

No new fanworks or scans, but other cool things.

New contest!

As Underdogs is currently heading into its 10th year online, we’re holding a 10th Anniversary fanwork contest! There are categories for both fic and art, and winners can take home some fabulous prizes! The contest will run March 15th-April 15th, 2014, so there’s about a week to start thinking of ideas!. Follow the banner below for all of the (possible TL;DR) information.

Underdogs' 10th Anniversary Contest

Future Projects

I’ve been thinking about doing a few ongoing projects to help keep the site alive, including an online doujinshi anthology. The idea is to compile a set of works including comics, pinup art, and illustrated fiction set to a theme and release it all as a single “volume”. If this sounds like something you’d like to participate in, or would like to read, please vote in the poll featured on Underdogs’ main page.

Another project I’d started years ago but never managed to finish for various personal reasons was the introduction of FSTs – Fan Sound Tracks – to the site. The original project signup post was here for more information on how that worked. A poll will probably go up sometime in the near future.

Yet another was weekly/monthly fanwork challenges or ficathons. I will be gauging interest via the fudo_courts Livejournal community, and probably running through there as the main venue (with a possible mirror on dreamwidth).

That’s it for now! Get voting, get promoting, and let’s have a lot of fun.

Contest + Fic

The contest is over! Sadly there were not enough entries to have a real contest, however all of the participants will get something for participating. ♥ You four will be emailed soon with details. I will probably also be holding another contest this summer or later on this spring :) Contest submissions will be added to the main site at a later date, for now please go check out everyone’s hard work over at the contest page ^^

Fic -> I’ve added an untitled Ibu/Kamio ficlet to my ‘drabble’ series, which can be found here. And speaking of fic, I know there are people still writing Fudoumine. Why aren’t you posting. XD

Contest updates + Miscellany.

Added another fanart to the contest page. CONTEST ENDS IN 24 HOURS. If you’ve been wanting to submit something, get it in soon!

And for the miscellany, I know 99% of you know FET (Fruity Explosive Translation, aka the lovely people who bring you scanlated manga). Anyway, I’ve been hosting the site on one of my other domains for the past couple years, however I am letting the domain expire and thus, FET has a new home on this domain. They can be found at The forums that closed late last year have also been reopened at, so go check it out. ♥

Miscellany part two: The Ibu/Kamio fanlisting and Atobe/Kamio fanlisting have both gotten shiny new layouts, so check em out and join if you’re a fan. ♥ Hopefully other Fudoumine fls hosted here will also get new layouts soon. :)